homme qui a mal aux dents

Root Canal Treatment or Endodontics?

Dentists, like other health care professionals, have their own vocabulary which, for the average person, will often be quite obscure. If we regularly hear people say that they have recently had a root canal, the more ex cathedra term is endodontics or endodontic treatment.

In this blog, the dentists of the Centre Dentaire & d’Implantologie Boucherville tell you more about this treatment and what it entails.

Root Canal Treatment, Put Simply. Endodontics for More Chic! 

tooth cut in half

First, you will quickly realize that both terms are used depending on who is speaking. 

According to the Canadian Dental Association, “root canal therapy, also known as endodontic therapy, is a safe and effective way to treat teeth with inflamed or infected pulp. It is also used in special situations to preserve and restore the tooth.”

Specifically, “root canal therapy is a process by which infected or damaged tissue (pulp) within the crown and roots of a tooth is removed. Once cleaned, the root canal is disinfected and shaped, then filled and sealed with a natural rubbery-looking material called gutta-percha. The opening is then sealed with a temporary or permanent filling to prevent infection.”

The dental professionals at the Centre Dentaire & d’Implantologie Boucherville are well aware that root canal treatment can help avoid more serious complications and prevent the development of oral infections (abscesses). In 2021, there are different techniques to ensure a comfortable procedure for the patient. However, when a more severe infection occurs, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics or painkillers to relieve the pain. 

In fact, standard root canal therapy is not a painful procedure. It is performed in the dentist’s chair and involves certain steps in sequence. The patient will experience little or no significant pain. The many patients of our clinic who come from Boucherville, but also from all over the South Shore of Montreal, will tell you that their root canal treatment went well and that the dentists took all the necessary precautions to offer a gentle treatment.

Which One Do You Choose?

traitement de canal

Endodontics is the scientific term for root canal treatment. An examination at the Centre Dentaire & d’Implantologie Boucherville will not only allow us to better understand the condition of your teeth, it will also help us to proceed with a root canal treatment, if necessary. 

If you’re a fan of dental vocabulary and want to impress your friends on a weekend night, you’ll definitely want to use the term “endodontics.” On the other hand, if you like to keep things simple, you’ll probably want to stick with the term “root canal.” In the end, they both refer to the same thing.

In closing, keep in mind that endodontics treats the inside of the tooth, as its prefix indicates “endo.” The dentist performs a root canal when your tooth is in danger of dying or if it can ultimately no longer be kept alive.

Professionals for Advanced Oral Care

A team of professionals awaits you at the Centre Dentaire & d’Implantologie Boucherville. Taking care of your teeth is our priority. Passionate people will take the time to listen to you, to answer all your questions and, of course, treat you to the best of their abilities. 

Dr. Marjorie Lachapelle, Dr. Patrice Dagenais and Dr. Tina Le offer advanced oral care when needed. They have been highly trained to ensure your comfort and well-being. A talented team takes care of you from A to Z as soon as you walk through the clinic’s door. Make an appointment today and benefit from our state-of-the-art expertise. The Centre Dentaire & d’Implantologie Boucherville, quality all around!

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